Weisenberger Mills: Midway, KY


Kentucky Grits
You will need:
2 cups whole milk
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup stoneground grits (preferably Weisenberger Mills' grits, ground by a water-turned stone at a fifth generation family-run mill on the Elkhorn in Midway, Kentucky)

To make the grits:
In a large pot, stir the milk, water, and salt together and bring the mixture to a boil over medium high heat. Once the milk mixture boils, stir in the grits. Reduce the heat to medium low. Cook, stirring occasionally, more frequently as the the grits thicken. Cook until the grits become more tender and the mixture is thick and creamy, adding a splash or two of water if necessary to complete the cooking. The length of time to cook will differ, depending on texture of the grits and how old they are, ranging from 25 minutes to an hour.

Serves four as a side dish to something else simple and good.

Here is what the dam looks like with the water moving:


Dave @ HappyAcres said…
Ahhh, stone ground grits. I love them, but more savory than sweet. My favorite treatment is with garlic and cheese. When I first moved to KY I learned that 'grits' is a two syllable word there - sort of like gree-yuts.
Pasadena Adjacent said…
isn't it great to look at turn of the century industry. The bolts take on a character of their own.

Pea gravel concrete - It will cost you extra to get that effect. It's why you don't often see it. I know these kind of things